Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sir Bearington 'bear'

Height: About 15 inches
Weight: 14 lbs.
Age: 4 months
position: Puppy
Experience: Rookie
Hometown: Hohenwald, TN

Sir Bearington 'Bear' is a 4 month old mini bully who brings tons of happiness into the hearts of everyone he encounters everyday. Bear, although little and cute has a very fierce bottom that releases a toxic gas invisible to the eye and soundless to the ear but very potent to the nose. His favorite thing to do is play with his roommate Izzy the 2 year old Pitbull. He also likes to eat whatever he can. Bear is expected to become one of the greatest puppies of all time and has a great career ahead of him with potential to be one of the greatest. Although he is young he has already been compaired to some of the greats; Pluto, Snoopy and Pork chop (from doug) just to name a few. Bear was drafted in the first round of the 2009 NPL (National Puppy League) draft. When bear isn't playing with Izzy he can be found near his owner most likely sleeping and snoring, very loudly.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sir Bearington

its been a while and im more than positive no one reads this but i guess its just good to get some stuff out ever now and again. well its been a very long time since i posted. i got a puppy within that time and he is amazing. dogs really show us a lot of things that we dont realize. bear has made me understand God's unconditional love a lil more. no matter what i do to him he never stops loving me for reasons i'll never understand. if anyone is reading this please respond to this i wanna know what y'all think bout this.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Old Friends New City

what's good blogtown? its been a while huh, deal with it. For the last few days i've been in the emerald city (Seattle) visiting my lady. its been great i love it! well today heather had to go to work so i told her i would take her in so she didn't have to wake up early by herself and drive in while i slept in. after i dropped her off i went into the burbs and meet up with a guy i've gone to school with from k-12 it was amazing to see him again and have great cheap asian food. its funny to see how much each and everyone of us change over the years and how time truly means nothing with it comes between great friends. Hes doing extremely well for himself and is on top of his sales for his company and is most likely getting promoted by the end of the year. 

seattle is such a great city with so much to do. when heather gets off we are going on the 'underground tour'. im really looking forward to this and it seems really interesting. i guess seattle was built on top of a city. i guess i'll fill ya in more when i find out more. its almost time to pick her up so i'll be bloggin with ya later. i promise it won't be as long between next time.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

friends family loyalty

those three words could possibly be the most important words in my life.  i love my close friends just as much as i love my family and will do anything for them.  i feel as if i am the most blessed person in the world when it comes to friends or family, sure my dad hasn't always been there blah blah blah blah, but my mom is the most amazing women in the world and i'll put that on everything.  Having friends all of the US is hard because you only have the phone but humor is always there.  Some of the people i consider my best friends live over 3000 miles away from me and every time we see each other its like we never spent time apart.  thats all for now blog. hopefully i'll get more ideas or something. please help me out. i'll do anything..... maybe, unless its really really really stupid.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

no reason for this

Welcome world into my mind. The last few months i have been thinking about starting one of these crazy little things, well, its time.... No real reason for me to do this except i have been reading a lot of blogs lately and kind of enjoy them. Two of my friends have moved out to Cali and one has a blog which i read/check every day. Her blog is great because its short and to the point without a ton of nonsense. 

as for my blog:

Pretty sure its gonna be all over the place since my mind is all over the place. Somedays serious and some days.... no.

thats all for now, i needa go back to work now.